Yale Model United Nations is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students, held on Yale University’s campus in New Haven. At YMUN, delegates from all over the world interact with one another through debate and diplomacy to solve complex challenges facing the world today. At YMUN, delegates will have the opportunity to take on roles of UN representatives, policymakers, and important figures at our virtual conference and learn about the inner workings of global politics and problem-solving. By engaging in topics concerning international and national security, political and economic development, human rights, sustainability, and more, delegates learn to navigate the intricacies of international negotiation and teamwork, adopt new perspectives, and develop comprehensive resolutions on pressing global issues.
Apply now for the Yale International Model UN! (+Concept Note attached)
Online application form: https://forms.gle/7UEUfDMapF5SH3qR7
Yale Model United Nations is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students, held on Yale University’s campus in New Haven. At YMUN, delegates from all over the world interact with one another through debate and diplomacy to solve complex challenges facing the world today. At YMUN, delegates will have the opportunity to take on roles of UN representatives, policymakers, and important figures at our virtual conference and learn about the inner workings of global politics and problem-solving. By engaging in topics concerning international and national security, political and economic development, human rights, sustainability, and more, delegates learn to navigate the intricacies of international negotiation and teamwork, adopt new perspectives, and develop comprehensive resolutions on pressing global issues.